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Math | Class 5
Class 5
Math (
Total Videos: 126
All Chapters
Chapter 1: Whole numbers and Operations
Chapter 2: HCF and LCM
Chapter 3: Fractions
Chapter 4: Decimals and Percentages
Chapter 5: Distance and Time
Chapter 6: Unitary Method
Chapter 7: Geometry
Chapter 8: Perimeter and Area
Chapter 9: Data Handling
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Chapter 1 Whole numbers and Operations (
17 videos
Practice Test
1.1: Numbers up to one million (
Practice Test
Read, write 6 digit numbers in numerals and words
Read, write 10 digit numbers in numerals and words
Expanded form of numbers up to 1000
1.2: Addition and Subtraction (
Practice Test
Add numbers of complexity and arbitrary size by standard algorithm
Subtract numbers of complexity and arbitrary size by standard algorithm
1.3: Multiplication and Division (
Practice Test
Multiply numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
Multiply 5 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers using place value
Divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
Divide 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers
Word problems on arithmetic operations
2-steps word problems on arithmetic operations using estimation
Word problems on arithmetic operations using mental maths
1.4: Number Patterns
Identify number patterns in arithmetic operations
Identify number patterns in addition
Identify number patterns in subtraction
Identify number patterns in multiplication
Identify number patterns in division
Chapter 2 HCF and LCM (
9 videos
Practice Test
2.1: HCF (
Practice Test
HCF by prime factorization
HCF of 2 or 3 numbers by prime factorization method
HCF of 2 or 3 numbers by division method
2.2: LCM (
Practice Test
LCM by prime factorization
LCM of 2 or 3 numbers by prime factorization method
LCM of 2 or 3 numbers by division method
All methods of finding HCF of numbers
All methods of finding LCM of numbers
Word problems involving LCM and HCF
Chapter 3 Fractions (
11 videos
Practice Test
3.1: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions (
Practice Test
Add two or more unlike fractions
Add and subtract unlike fractions with different denominators
3.2: Multiplication of Fractions (
Practice Test
Product of a whole number with a fraction
Multiply two simple fractions
Multiply mixed fractions with mixed fractions
Multiply 2 or more fractions involving brackets
Word problem on Multiplication of mixed fractions with simple fractions
3.3: Division of Fractions (
Practice Test
Divide a fraction by another fraction
Word problem on divide a unit fraction by a whole number
Word problem on divide a whole number by a unit fraction
Solve real life problems involving division of fractions
Chapter 4 Decimals and Percentages (
23 videos
Practice Test
4.1: Comparing and ordering Decimals
Compare decimals to 100ths
Arrange number up to 3-digits with 2 decimal places
4.2: Addition and Subtraction of Decimals (
Practice Test
Use models to add decimals to hundredths
Use place value to add decimals to hundredths
Use properties of operation to add decimals to hundredths
Use models to subtract decimals to hundredths
Use place value to subtract decimals to hundredths
4.3: Multiplication of Decimals (
Practice Test
Multiply a decimal by 10, 100 and 1000
Use models to multiply decimals to hundredths
Use place value to multiply decimals to hundredths
Multiply a decimal number by tenth and hundredths
Placement of the decimal after dividing by a power of 10
Divide a decimal number by a decimal number by converting it to fractions
Divide a decimal number by a decimal number using direct division
Use models to divide decimals to hundredths
Use place value to divide decimals to hundredths
Solve real life problems involving decimals up to 2 decimal places
4.4: Conversion and comparison of decimals
Convert fractions to decimals
4.5: Estimation (
Practice Test
Round decimals using place value to nearest whole or decimal number
Solve real life situations involving decimal numbers
4.6: Percentages (
Practice Test
Recognize percentage as a special kind of fraction
Convert Whole number percentage to fraction
Solve real life problems involving percentages
Chapter 5 Distance and Time (
19 videos
Practice Test
5.1: Distance (
Practice Test
Conversion from kilometer to meter
Conversion of meter to centimeter
Conversion of centimeter to meter
Conversion of meter to kilometer
Word Problem on addition of same units of length with carrying
Word Problem on addition of different units of length with carrying
Word Problem on subtraction of same units of length
Word Problem on subtraction of different units of length
5.2: Conversion of Units of Time (
Practice Test
Conversion of minutes to seconds and hours. to minutes
Conversion of seconds to minutes
Conversion of minutes to hours
Convert years to months
Convert months to years
Convert days to months
Convert weeks to days
Convert days to weeks
5.3: Addition and Subtraction of Units of Time (
Practice Test
Add units of time with carrying
Subtract units of time with borrowing
Solve word problem of intervals of time using four operations
Chapter 6 Unitary Method (
2 videos
6.1: Unitary Method (
Practice Test
Unitary method
Word problems on unitary method with value of more than one objects is given
Chapter 7 Geometry (
27 videos
Practice Test
7.1: Angles (
Practice Test
Concept of n degrees using circle
Angle and angle measurement
Classify angles as acute, right or obtuse
Types of angles
Draw right, acute and obtuse angles
Draw straight and reflex angles
Complementary angles
Adjacent angles
Supplementary angles
7.2: Triangles (
Practice Test
Types of triangles by sides
Types of triangles by angles
Construct equilateral triangle using protractor and ruler (A.S.A)
Construct isosceles triangle using protractor and ruler (A.S.A)
Construct scalene triangle using protractor and ruler (A.S.A)
Construct triangle when three sides are given
Construct acute triangle (S.A.S)
Construct right triangle (S.A.S)
Construct obtuse triangle (S.A.S)
7.3: Quadrilaterals (
Practice Test
Classify shapes on the bases of parallel and perpendicular lines
Classify shapes on the bases of angles
Use ruler and protractor to construct square and rectangle with given sides
7.4: Symmetry (
Practice Test
Reflexive symmetry
Rotational symmetry
Line of symmetry
Point of rotation and order of rotational symmetry
7.5: Three dimensional (3-D) Objects
Identify 3-D shapes from their nets
Chapter 8 Perimeter and Area (
11 videos
Practice Test
8.1: Perimeter and area (
Practice Test
Perimeter and area of shapes
Rectangles with same perimeter and different areas
Rectangles with same area and different perimeters
Units of area
Formulas for perimeter and area of a square
Formulas for perimeter and area of a rectangle
Apply formulas to find perimeter and area of a square
Apply formulas to find perimeter and area of a rectangle
Solve real life problems of perimeter and area
Word problems on finding missing length when perimeter is given
Chapter 9 Data Handling (
7 videos
Practice Test
9.1: Average
Define an average (Arithmetic mean)
Solve real life problems involving average
9.2: Bar Graphs (
Practice Test
Read and interpret simple vertical bar graph
Read and interpret simple horizontal bar graph
Draw block graph
Draw column graph
Solve put together problem using bar graph