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General Science | Class 5
Class 5
General Science (
Total Videos: 101
All Chapters
Chapter 1: Classification of Living Things
Chapter 2: Microorganisms
Chapter 3: Seeds, Their Structure and Germination
Chapter 4: Environmental Pollution
Chapter 5: Matter and Changes in its States
Chapter 6: Force and Machines
Chapter 7: Properties and Behavior of Light
Chapter 8: Electricity and Magnetism
Chapter 9: Soils
Chapter 10: Our Solar System
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Chapter 1 Classification of Living Things (
13 videos
Practice Test
1.1: Introduction to The Main Kingdoms (
Practice Test
Scientific Classification, It's Need and Importance
Five Kingdom Classification
1.2: Classification and Charcteristics of Animals (
Practice Test
Classifying Vertebrates (Fishes)
Class of Vertebrates (Amphibians)
Class of Vertebrates (Reptiles)
Birds (Class of Vertebrates)
Classifying Vertebrates (Mammals)
1.3: Invertebrates
Invertebrates (Worms and Arthropods)
1.4: Classification and Characteristics of Plants
Flowering and Non-flowering Plants
1.5: Characteristics of Monocot and Dicot Plants
Monocot and Dicot Plants
Chapter 2 Microorganisms (
11 videos
Practice Test
2.1: Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi (
Practice Test
Main Groups of Microorganisms (Virus, Bacteria and Fungi)
Main Groups of Microorganisms (Virus, Bacteria, Fungi)
2.2: Usefulness and Harmfulness of Microorganisms (
Practice Test
Advantages of Microorganisms
Antibiotics and Vaccines
Disadvantages of Microorganisms
What is Infection?
Entrance of Microorganisms in Human Body
Advantages and Disadvantages of Microorganisms
Symptoms and Transmission of Infections
Symptoms and Transmission of Infections
Ways to Avoid Infections
Chapter 3 Seeds, Their Structure and Germination (
7 videos
3.1: Structure and Germination of French Bean Seed
Structure of French Bean Seed
3.2: Germination of a French Bean Seed
Germination of Bean Seed
3.3: Structure and Germination of French Maize Seed
Structure of Maize Seed
Germination of Maize Seed
3.4: Comparison of Structure and Germination of a French Bean Seed
Comparison of Structure and Functions of Bean and Maize Seed
Function of Cotyledons
3.5: The Conditions Necessary for Germination
Necessary Conditions for Seed Germination
Chapter 4 Environmental Pollution (
8 videos
4.1: Kinds of Pollution (Air, Land, Water)
Pollution and its Types
4.2: Cause of pollution
Air Pollution
Land Pollution
Water Pollution
4.3: Measures to Reduce Pollution
Ways to Reduce Pollution
The Environment and The 3R's
Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable Materials
Ways to Reduce the Impact of Non- Biodegradable Material on Environment (4R)
Chapter 5 Matter and Changes in its States (
11 videos
5.1: Matter
Physical and Chemical Changes
Physical and Chemical Changes (Continued)
Properties of Solids and their Particle Arrangements
Properties of Liquids and their Particle Arrangement
Properties of Gases and their Particle Arrangement
5.2: Effect of Heat on Arrangement of Particles
Melting: Change of Solid Into Liquid
Freezing: Change of Liquid Into Solid
Boiling: Change of Liquid Into Gas
5.3: Heating and the States of Water in Water Cycle
Water Cycle
Forms of Moisture in the Environment
Chapter 6 Force and Machines (
14 videos
6.1: Introduction
6.2: Friction
6.3: Advantages and Disadvantages of Friction
Advantages of Friction
Disadvantages of Friction
Air Resistance
6.4: Gravity
Gravitational Force
Importance of Gravitational Force
Difference Between Mass and Weight
6.5: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
6.6: Inertia
6.7: Simple Machines
Kinds of Lever
Inclined Plane and Gear
Pulley and Wedge
Chapter 7 Properties and Behavior of Light (
8 videos
Practice Test
7.1: Luminous and Non-luminous Objects (
Practice Test
Luminous and Non-luminous Objects
Reflection of Light
7.2: Transparent, Translucent and Opaque objects
Transparent, Opaque And Translucent Objects
7.3: Shadows
Light and Shadow
Size of Shadow With The Position of Sun
7.4: Lunar and Solar Eclipses
Solar and Lunar Eclipses
Movement and Phases of Moon
7.5: Pinhole Camera
Pinhole Camera
Chapter 8 Electricity and Magnetism (
12 videos
Practice Test
8.1: Electrical Circuit, Current and its flow
Electricity and Batteries
Electric Current
Electric Circuit and Its Components
8.2: A Fuse and its Uses
Fuses and its Uses
8.3: Static Electricity and Lightning
Static Electric Charge or Static Electricity
8.4: Magnets and Magnetic Fields
What is a Magnet and Magnetic Field?
8.5: Electromagnet
Electromagnetic Devices (Electric Bell)
Electromagnetic Devices ( Electric Motor)
8.6: Making a Simple Magnetic Compass
Magnetic Compass
Chapter 9 Soils (
8 videos
Practice Test
9.1: Characteristics of Soil (
Practice Test
Characteristics of Soil
Effects of Moisture on Soil Characteristics
9.2: Types of Soil (
Practice Test
Types of Soil
Types of Soil (Clay and Loamy Soil)
9.3: Components of Soil
Composition of Soil
9.4: Effect of Moving Water on Soil
Effect of Moving Water on Soil
9.5: The Decomposers
9.6: Life in Soil
Life in Soil
Chapter 10 Our Solar System (
9 videos
10.1: The Solar System
Planets of Our Solar System
Stars and the Sun
10.2: The Planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars (continued)
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (continued)
10.3: Meteoroids, Asteroids and Comets