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Math | Class 4
Class 4
Math (
Total Videos: 138
All Chapters
Chapter 1: Whole numbers
Chapter 2: Factors and Multiples
Chapter 3: Fractions
Chapter 4: Decimals
Chapter 5: Measurement
Chapter 6: Geometry
Chapter 7: Data Handling
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Chapter 1 Whole numbers (
23 videos
Practice Test
1.1: Numbers up to one hundred theousand
Place value of numbers up to 6 digits
Read, write 6 digit numbers in numerals and words
1.2: Comparing and Ordering Numbers (
Practice Test
Compare a 2 digit and a 3 digit number using place value
Comparison using tens and ones
Ascending order of numbers up to 999
Descending order of numbers up to 999
Expanded form of numbers up to 1000
1.3: Addition and Subtraction (
Practice Test
Vertically add 4-digit numbers with carrying
Horizontally add 4-digit numbers with carrying
Word problem on addition of numbers upto 5-digits
Subtract numbers up to 4-digits with borrowing
Subtract numbers of complexity and arbitrary size by standard algorithm
Word problem on subtraction of numbers upto 5-digits
1.4: Multiplication and Division (
Practice Test
Multiply 5 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers using place value
Multiply numbers by 3-digit numbers
Word problem on multiplication of 4-digit by 2-digit
Divide 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers
Divide numbers using place value
Division word problems with zero remainder
Division word problems with non-zero remainder
1.5: Patterns
Describe the pattern found in a given table
Identify number patterns in addition
Identify number patterns in subtraction
Chapter 2 Factors and Multiples (
9 videos
Practice Test
2.1: Divisibility Rule (
Practice Test
Divisibility test for 2
Divisibility test for 3
Divisibility test for 5
Divisibility test for 10
Use divisibility tests to divide numbers
2.2: Factors and multiples
Prime numbers and composite numbers
Factors and multiples of numbers
2.3: Prime Factorization
Prime factorization of a number by division method
Prime factorization of a number by tree method
Chapter 3 Fractions (
25 videos
Practice Test
3.1: Like and Unlike Fractions (
Practice Test
Like and unlike fractions
Compare two unlike fractions by making common denominator
Simplify fractions to lowest form
3.2: Types of Fractions
Recognize proper and improper fractions
Recognize unit fraction
3.3: Conversion of Fractions (
Practice Test
Convert improper fractions to mixed fractions
Convert improper fractions to mixed fractions using model
Convert mixed fractions to improper fractions
Convert mixed fractions to improper fractions using model
Ascending order of fractions
Descending order of fractions
3.4: Addition and Subtraction of fractions (
Practice Test
Add two fractions with same denominators
Represent addition of fractions through figures
Solve addition word problem of like fractions by making equation
Subtract two fractions with same denominators
Represent Subtraction of fractions through figures
3.5: Multiplication of fractions (
Practice Test
Product of a whole number with a fraction
Multiply a whole number with a fraction
Multiply two simple fractions
Modeling fraction multiplication
3.6: Division of Fractions (
Practice Test
Divide a unit fraction by a whole number
Divide a whole number by a unit fraction
Solve real life problems involving division of fractions
Word problem on Interpretation of fractions using visual fraction model
Word problem on Interpretation of division as fraction
Chapter 4 Decimals (
19 videos
Practice Test
4.1: Decimal Numbers (
Practice Test
conversion of decimals using place value
Convert fractions to decimals
Convert decimals to fractions (up to 3 decimal places)
Reading decimal numbers to thousandths
4.2: Addition and Subtraction of decimals (
Practice Test
Add decimals up to 2 decimal places
Use models to add decimals to hundredths
Use place value to add decimals to hundredths
Use properties of operation to add decimals to hundredths
Subtract decimals up to 2 decimal places
Use models to subtract decimals to hundredths
Use place value to subtract decimals to hundredths
4.3: Multiplication and Division of decimals (
Practice Test
Multiply a decimal by 10, 100 and 1000
Multiply a decimal by a 1-digit number
Divide a decimal by a 1-digit number
Placement of the decimal after dividing by a power of 10
Solve real life problems involving decimals up to 2 decimal places
4.4: Estimation (
Practice Test
Round whole numbers to nearest 10 or 100
Round whole numbers to nearest 10 or 100 on number line
Round decimals using place value to nearest whole or decimal number
Chapter 5 Measurement (
37 videos
Practice Test
5.1: Length (
Practice Test
Measure length using ruler and meter stick in meters
Measure length using ruler and meter stick in centimeters
Uses of different unit of length
Measure length using ruler and meter stick in inches
Measure length using ruler and meter stick in feet
Show the measurement by making line plot
5.2: Conversion of Units of Length (
Practice Test
Conversion of meter to centimeter
Conversion from kilometer to meter
Conversion of centimeter to millimeter
5.3: Addition and Subtraction of Units of Length (
Practice Test
Add same units of length without carrying
Add same units of length with carrying
Subtract same units of length with borrowing
Subtract different units of length without borrowing
5.4: Mass
Recognize unit of mass (kg and g)
Measure masses of objects using g and kg
5.5: Conversion of Mass
Conversion of kilogram to gram and vice versa
5.6: Addition and Subtraction of Unit of Mass
Add mass of real life object
Subtract mass of real life object
5.6: Conversion of Hours, Minutes and Seconds (
Practice Test
Conversion of minutes to seconds and hours. to minutes
Convert years to months
Convert weeks to days
5.7: Capacity
Recognize unit of capacity (l and ml)
measure capacity of liquid
Conversion of liter to milliliter and vice versa
5.7: Addition and Subtraction of Measures of Time (
Practice Test
Addition of time intervals
Subtraction of time intervals
Word problems involving conversion, addition and subtraction of unit of time
5.8: Addition and Subtraction of units of capacity Capacity (
Practice Test
Add volume of real life objects
Subtract volume of real life objects
Solve word problem involving volume
5.9: Time (
Practice Test
Time using analog and digital clock (in hours)
Time using analog and digital clock (in half hours)
Tell and write time to nearest 5 minute
Use A.M and P.M to tell time to nearest 5 minutes
Tell time phrase to the nearest minute
Tell the time interval between two events
Elapsed time in minutes and hours
Chapter 6 Geometry (
19 videos
Practice Test
6.1: Lines
Perpendicular and parallel lines
Vertical and horizontal lines
6.2: Angle (
Practice Test
Sketch and measure angles using protractor
Angles (zero, right, straight, complete)
Types of angles
Angle and angle measurement
Right triangles
Circle, radius and diameter
6.3: Perimeter and Area (
Practice Test
Find perimeter of simple figure on square grid
Find area of simple figure on square grid
Units of area
Formulas for perimeter and area of a square
Apply formulas to find perimeter and area of a square
6.4: Symmetry (
Practice Test
Line of symmetry
Identify all lines of symmetry of a shape
Symmetric shapes on square grid
Symmetric shapes on dot pattern
6.6: Three Dimensional (3-D) objects
Sorting of 3-D objects
Chapter 7 Data Handling (
6 videos
7.1: Bar Graph (
Practice Test
Read and interpret simple vertical bar graph
Read and interpret simple horizontal bar graph
Read and interpret simple line graph
Use line graph to solve real life problems
7.2: Pie Chart
Read and interpret simple pie chart
Use pie chart to solve real life problems