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Math | Class 3
Class 3
Math (
Total Videos: 89
All Chapters
Chapter 1: Whole numbers
Chapter 2: Number Operations
Chapter 3: Fractions
Chapter 4: Measurement: Length, Mass, and Capacity
Chapter 5: Measurement: Time
Chapter 6: Geometry
Chapter 7: Data Handling
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Chapter 1 Whole numbers (
11 videos
Practice Test
1.1: Roman numbers
Read and write Roman numerals up to 10
1.2: Even and odd numbers
Identify even and odd numbers up to two digits
1.3: Numbers up to 10,000
Read, write 6 digit numbers in numerals and words
1.4: Place values
Place value of numbers up to 6 digits
1.5: Number Line
Reading whole numbers on Number line
1.6: Comparing and ordering numbers (
Practice Test
Compare a 2 digit and a 3 digit number using place value
Comparison using tens and ones
Ascending order of numbers up to 999
Descending order of numbers up to 999
1.7: Estimation
Round whole numbers to nearest 10 or 100
Round whole numbers to nearest 10 or 100 on number line
Chapter 2 Number Operations (
31 videos
2.1: Addition
Add numbers within 1000 using place value
Fluently add numbers within 1000 using place value
Fluently add numbers within 1000 using properties of addition
Fluently add numbers within 1000 using relationship of addition and subtraction
Vertically add 4-digit numbers with carrying
Mentally add numbers within 100
Two steps word problems on addition
2.2: Subtraction
Subtract numbers within 1000 using place value
Fluently subtract numbers within 1000 using place value
Subtract numbers up to 4-digits with borrowing
Vertically add 4-digit numbers with carrying
Two steps word problems on subtraction
Subtract numbers within 100 using mental maths
Solve real life problems involving subtraction
2.3: Multiplication
Multiply numbers using tables
Multiplication of whole numbers
Multiplication word problems within 100 involving equal groups
Multiplication word problems within 100 involving equal arrays
Multiplication word problems within 100 involving equal measurement quantities
Find missing number in multiplication equation
Fluently multiply numbers within 100 using relation of multiplication division
Fluently multiply numbers within 100 using properties of operations
Multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
Multiply numbers using mental maths
Multiplication word problems
2.4: Division
Divide 2-digit number by 1-digit number
Divide numbers using mental maths
Word problems on division of 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
Word problems on division involving equal groups
Word problems on division involving equal arrays
Fluently divide numbers using properties of operations
Chapter 3 Fractions (
13 videos
Practice Test
3.1: Common fractions
Recognize unit fraction
Naming fractions using fraction model
Recognize fraction as part of a whole
Represent fractions on number line
Match fractions with related figures
3.2: Proper and improper fractions
Recognize proper and improper fractions
3.3: Equivalent fractions (
Practice Test
Equivalent fractions using number line
Equivalent fractions
Generate equivalent fractions and reason of equivalence using fraction models
3.4: Addition of fractions (
Practice Test
Add two fractions with same denominators
Represent addition of fractions through figures
3.5: Subtraction of fractions
Subtract two fractions with same denominators
Represent Subtraction of fractions through figures
Chapter 4 Measurement: Length, Mass, and Capacity (
14 videos
Practice Test
4.1: Length
Measure length using ruler and meter stick in meters
Measure length using ruler and meter stick in centimeters
Add same units of length without carrying
Word Problem on addition of same units of length with carrying
Subtract same units of length with borrowing
Word Problem on subtraction of same units of length
4.2: Mass
Recognize unit of mass (kg and g)
Measure masses of objects using g and kg
Add mass of real life object
Subtract mass of real life object
4.3: Capacity
Recognize unit of capacity (l and ml)
measure capacity of liquid
Add volume of real life objects
Subtract volume of real life objects
Chapter 5 Measurement: Time (
8 videos
Practice Test
5.1: Time (
Practice Test
Use A.M and P.M to tell time to nearest 5 minutes
Time using analog and digital clock (in hours)
Time using analog and digital clock (in half hours)
Tell time phrase to the nearest minute
Tell and write time to nearest 5 minute
Solar Calendar
Add units of time with carrying
Subtract units of time with borrowing
Chapter 6 Geometry (
9 videos
Practice Test
6.1: Geometrical shapes (
Practice Test
Draw points, lines, line segments and rays
Draw a line segment using ruler (mm and cm)
Circle, radius and diameter
6.2: Symmetry (
Practice Test
Reflexive symmetry
Identify all lines of symmetry of a shape
6.3: Three Dimensional (3-D) objects
3-D shapes with respect to edges faces and corners cube and cuboid
3-D shapes with respect to edges faces and corners pyramids
Chapter 7 Data Handling (
3 videos
7.1: Data Representation
Read and interpret a Carroll diagram
Read and interpret a Tally chart
Scaled picture graph