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Number Operations
Class 2
Math (
Total Videos: 110
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Chapter 1: Whole numbers
Chapter 2: Number Operations
Chapter 3: Fractions
Chapter 4: Measurement: Length, Mass, and Capacity
Chapter 5: Time
Chapter 6: Geometry
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Chapter 2 Number Operations (
49 videos
2.1: Addition of 1 digit numbers
How much more a number from another number
2.2: Addition of 2 - digit numbers (with carrying)
Add a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number within 100
Add a 2-digit number and a multiple of 10 within 100
Add a 2-digit number and a 2-digit number within 100
Two steps word problems on addition
2.3: Addition of 3 - digit numbers (without carrying)
Add 3-digit number and ones
Add 3-digit number and 2-digit number
Add 3-digit number and 3-digit number
Word problem on addition of 3-digit numbers
2.4: Addition of 3 - digit numbers (with carrying)
Addition of 10 or 100 in a given number
Add numbers within 1000 using place value
Fluently add numbers within 1000 using place value
Fluently add numbers within 1000 using properties of addition
Fluently add numbers within 1000 using relationship of addition and subtraction
Represent sum of numbers within 100 on number line
2.4: Subtraction of 1-digit number from 2-digit number (with borrowing)
Subtraction of numbers using place value
Subtraction of a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number
Two steps word problems on subtraction
2.5: Subtraction of 3 - digit numbers (without borrowing)
Subtract 10 or 100 from a given number
Subtract numbers within 1000 using place value
Represent difference of numbers within 100 on number line
Subtraction of 3-digit numbers
Word problem on subtraction of 3-digit numbers
2.6: Subtraction of 3-digit numbers (with borrowing)
Subtract 1-digit number from 3-digit number
Subtract 2-digit number from 3-digit number
Subtract numbers up to 4-digits with borrowing
Solve real life problems involving subtraction
2.7: Addition and Subtraction in Mixed form
Addition subtraction worksheet: Match the column
Addition subtraction worksheet: Write the number in box
Subtraction of numbers using place value
Subtract numbers within 100 using mental maths
Fluently subtract numbers within 100 using place value
Fluently subtract numbers within 100 using relation of addition and subtraction
Fluently subtract numbers within 1000 using place value
2.8: Multiplication
Understand multiplication using addition
Understand multiplication using addition by making rows and columns
Identify number patterns in addition
Identify number patterns in subtraction
Skip counting by 2
Skip counting by 5
Skip counting by 10
Multiply numbers using tables
Find missing number in multiplication equation
Multiplication word problems
Multiplication of whole numbers
2.8: Division
Understand division as successive subtraction using equal groups
Understand division as successive subtraction using number line
Use tables of multiplication to divide numbers
Solve division word problems