Biology | Class 12

Select a chapter above and press 'Show Content'. Click a video topic below to view.

    Chapter 14 Respiration ( 24 videos)  (Practice Test)

      14.1: Properties of Respiratory Surfaces (Practice Test)
      14.3: Lung Volumes And Capacities (Practice Test)
      14.6: Respiratory Pigments (Practice Test)
    1. Haemoglobin
    2. Myoglobin
    3. Myoglobin
      14.8: Disorders of lungs (Practice Test)

    Chapter 15 Homeostasis ( 33 videos)  (Practice Test)

      15.1: Mechanism of Homeostasis (Practice Test)
      15.2: Osmoregulation (Practice Test)
      15.3: Osmoregulation in Animals of Different Environments (Practice Test)
      15.6: Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) (Practice Test)
      15.7: Urinary Stones (Practice Test)
      15.8: Renal Failure/Kidney Failure
      Renal Failure
    1. Renal Failure
      15.9: Renal Dialysis
      15.10: Kidney Transplantation

    Chapter 18 Chemical Coordination ( 11 videos)  (Practice Test)

      18.1: Hormones: The Chemical Messengers (Practice Test)
      18.3: Feedback Mechanism

    Chapter 19 Behaviour ( 10 videos)  (Practice Test)

      19.3: Learning Behaviour (Practice Test)
    1. Learning
      19.4: Social Behaviours (Practice Test)

    Chapter 22 Inheritance ( 38 videos)  (Practice Test)

      22.2: Exceptions To Mendelian Inheritance (Practice Test)
      22.3: ABO Blood Group System (Practice Test)
      22.4: Rh Blood Group System (Practice Test)
      22.6: Gene Linkage and Crossing Over (Practice Test)

    Chapter 23 Chromosomes And DNA ( 37 videos)  (Practice Test)

      23.2: Concept of Gene (Practice Test)
      23.3: Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance (Practice Test)

    Chapter 25 Man and His Environment ( 37 videos)  (Practice Test)

      25.1: Biogeochemical Cycles (Practice Test)

    Chapter 26 Biotechnology ( 60 videos)  (Practice Test)

      26.2: Procedure of Recombinant DNA Technology (Practice Test)
      26.3: Polymerase Chain Reaction (Practice Test)