Physics | Class 12

Select a chapter above and press 'Show Content'. Click a video topic below to view.

    Chapter 11 Electrostatics ( 57 videos)  (Practice Test)

      11.5: Electric Potential
      11.11: Electric Polrarization

    Chapter 12 Current Electricity ( 58 videos)  (Practice Test)

      12.2: Ohm's Law (Practice Test)
      12.5: Wire-wound Variable Resistors (Practice Test)
      12.6: Thermistor
    1. Thermistor
      12.10: Maximum Power Output
      12.11: Thermocouples
      12.12: Variation in Thermoelectric e.m.f. with Temperature (Practice Test)
      12.15: Potentiometer

    Chapter 13 Electromagnetism ( 40 videos)  (Practice Test)

      13.1: Magnetic Field
      13.7: Galvanometer (Practice Test)

    Chapter 15 A.C. Circuit ( 45 videos)  (Practice Test)

      15.1: Alternating Voltage and Current
      15.3: R.M.S. Value of Sinusoidal Current and Voltage (Practice Test)
      15.7: Choke Coil (Practice Test)
      15.12: Resonance in R-L-C Series A.C. Circuits (Practice Test)
      15.13: Principle of Metal Detectors
      15.14: Maximum Power Transfer
      No vidoes available yet. Still under development.
      15.16: Electromagnetic Wave (Practice Test)

    Chapter 16 Physics of Solids ( 30 videos)  (Practice Test)

      16.4: Mechanical Properties of Solids (Practice Test)
      16.5: Energy Band Theory (Practice Test)
      16.6: Superconductors
      16.7: Theory of Magnetism
      16.9: Magnetic Hysteresis (Practice Test)

    Chapter 18 Dawn of the Modern Physics ( 55 videos)  (Practice Test)

      18.1: Reference Frames (Practice Test)
      18.2: Special Theory of Relativity
      18.5: Quantum Theory of Radiation (Planck's Theory)
      18.9: Pair Annihilation
      18.11: Electron Microscope

    Chapter 19 Atomic Spectra ( 39 videos)  (Practice Test)

      19.2: Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom (Practice Test)
      19.4: De Broglie's Waves and the Hydrogen Atom

    Chapter 20 Nuclear Physics ( 73 videos)  (Practice Test)

      20.1: Composition of Atomic Nuclei
      20.3: Mass Spectrography (Practice Test)
      20.4: Nuclear Masses
      No vidoes available yet. Still under development.
      20.6: Radioactivity (Practice Test)
      20.7: Spontaneous and Random Nuclear Decay
      20.15: Radiation Exposure
      20.17: Biological and Medical uses of Radiation
      20.18: Basic Forces of Nature (Fundamental Interactions)
      20.19: Building Blocks of Matter