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Whole numbers
Class 4
Math (
Total Videos: 138
All Chapters
Chapter 1: Whole numbers
Chapter 2: Factors and Multiples
Chapter 3: Fractions
Chapter 4: Decimals
Chapter 5: Measurement
Chapter 6: Geometry
Chapter 7: Data Handling
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Chapter 1 Whole numbers (
23 videos
Practice Test
1.1: Numbers up to one hundred theousand
Place value of numbers up to 6 digits
Read, write 6 digit numbers in numerals and words
1.2: Comparing and Ordering Numbers (
Practice Test
Compare a 2 digit and a 3 digit number using place value
Comparison using tens and ones
Ascending order of numbers up to 999
Descending order of numbers up to 999
Expanded form of numbers up to 1000
1.3: Addition and Subtraction (
Practice Test
Vertically add 4-digit numbers with carrying
Horizontally add 4-digit numbers with carrying
Word problem on addition of numbers upto 5-digits
Subtract numbers up to 4-digits with borrowing
Subtract numbers of complexity and arbitrary size by standard algorithm
Word problem on subtraction of numbers upto 5-digits
1.4: Multiplication and Division (
Practice Test
Multiply 5 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers using place value
Multiply numbers by 3-digit numbers
Word problem on multiplication of 4-digit by 2-digit
Divide 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers
Divide numbers using place value
Division word problems with zero remainder
Division word problems with non-zero remainder
1.5: Patterns
Describe the pattern found in a given table
Identify number patterns in addition
Identify number patterns in subtraction