Short Stories and Passages

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    Chapter 6 Short Stories and Passages ( 42 videos)

      6.1: Picture Story (Going to Market)
      6.2: Picture Story (Going to School)
      6.4: A Short Story-A Big Bully (reading and explanation)
      6.5: A Short Story: The Ant and Cricket (reading, explanation and exercise)
      6.6: Passage-Ahmed and his Friend (reading, explanation and exercise)
      6.7: Picture Story: Banana skin (explanation of pictures)
      6.8: Picture Story: The Hare and the Tortoise (explanation of pictures)
      6.9: Picture Story: Hina and the Hen (reading and explanation)
      6.10: Picture Story: Jan and Jack (Reading and Explanation)
      6.11: Passages-My Country-Pakistan (reading, explanation and exercises)
      6.12: Festivals (Eid, Christmas etc.)
      6.13: Passages- Eid (reading, explanation and exercises)
      6.15: Who is this? (relations-father, mother, sister etc.)
      6.17: Four Seasons (pictures/names/explanation)
      6.18: Dialogue about Shopping (reading/explanation)
      6.19: In the Market (types of shops-toy shop/clothes shop etc.)