C-Programming Language

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    Chapter 1 C-Programming Language ( 33 videos)  (Practice Test)

      1.1: First Program in C Language- Use of printf( )
      1.2: C Program to find the sum of two numbers - Use of printf( ) and scanf( )
      1.3: C Program to find subtraction of two numbers - Use of Assignment Operator
      1.4: C Program to find multiplication and division of two numbers
      1.6: C Program to Calculate Area of Rectangle
      1.7: C Program to Calculate sum of five subjects and find percentage
      1.8: C Proram to Compare two integers - Use of if-else
      1.9: C Program to Compare three integers
      1.10: C Program to Convert temperature from degree Centigrade to Fahrenheit
      1.11: C Program to Print first 10 natural numbers using for loop
      1.12: C Program to Print first 10 natural numbers using while loop
      1.13: C Program to Print first 10 natural numbers using do while loop
      1.14: C Program to find table of number
      1.15: C Progam to print numbers in reverse order from 1 to 10
      1.16: C Program to print even numbers from 1 to 20
      1.17: C Program to find Grade of a student on Percentage Marks
      1.18: C Program to find Grade of a student using switch statement
      1.19: C Program to find the Sum of odd Series from 1 to 100
      1.20: C Prorgam to Print the Pattern using Nested loop
      1.21: C Program to create a simple calculator using Switch statement